011 892 3345 sales@enercogen.co.za


We specialise in Generator Hire & Sales in Boipatong and Surrounding Areas

Backup power has become an essential part of any business operation and public events. This is what we do. We supply generator power tailored to your needs.


Generator Hire in Boipatong

We’re close to you. Contact us today for a custom power solution.

Generator Sales in Boipatong

Loadshedding will be around for a while. Invest in backup power.

Generator Maintanence in Boipatong

Let us take care of your power while you take care of your business.

Contact Us For a Generator Solution

We offer the following generator power and energy

supply services:

Our general services include generator power solutions for

  • Standby Applications
  • Power Plants
  • Prime Power Production
  • Load Management
  • Peak Demand Management
  • Co-Generation
  • Independent Power Production

We are committed to providing excellence ensuring the best results all-round. 

Generator Hire South Africa

ENERCOGEN is a Generator Sales and Hire company that focuses on customer delivery, quality, safety, and most of all service excellence.

Our ability to develop power solutions is unrivaled. With unmatched expertise in a variety of industries, our people can solve any challenge – no matter what your industry sector and what your application. We are therefore the absolute best choice for generator hiring services.


Please only accept quotes and invoices from a valid @enercogen.co.za email address.


1586 Service Road